Honda Motocompo 5 items
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Motocompacto New
€1.950,00Honda Motocompo NZC50 yellow
€2.750,00Honda Motocompo NZC50 yellow
€2.750,00Honda Motocompo red
€2.250,00Honda Motocompo white
The Honda Motocompo is a one-of-a-kind machine: a tiny bike designed specifically to fit in the trunk of the Honda City / Jazz and Honda Today. In order to achieve this, the engineers had to be creative, but thanks to folding handlebars, a flip-up seat and smart frame design, they managed to do it. While the “Caribbean Red” version is most common (or should we say least rare?), they were also sold in “Shetland White” and “Daisy Yellow” liveries. Driving a ‘Compo is a easy as twisting the throttle, but the road manners take some used to, because of the tiny wheels and short wheelbase.