… akt parts/tyres
The Fourstrokebarn has to sell particularly good Hondas if you want to get on the moped on an island in Greece. Casper and Maya managed to cover this beautiful distance with their oldtimers and what do you think they would have been broken once. I will no longer leave you in uncertainty because indeed they have had the first problem. A completely flat tire was the bad luck that affected them. Luckily they had tire lights and stuff to stick the tire with them so no express delivery was needed. (I have yet to come across the first modern scooter that can easily bridge this distance. )
But honestly, we haven’t experienced many customers who not only dream of a beautiful trip but who also add to their word and take a drive of thousands of kilometers. Casper, Maya, the Honda SS50 and the Honda C50 are doing very, very well. If you want to enjoy a little (me) read the travel report of Maya and Casper below
We’re doing well! Since the last email, a lot has happened again!
After leaving chateauneuf-du-pape (which means, by the way, the pope’s new castle), we are camping. We soon arrived at the cote-d’Azur and with good luck found a very nice two-star campsite on the coast. There we chilled at the beach for a week, watched boats in st tropez and had a drink with camping neighbor Jurgen and his kids.
Then it was time for Italy, but not for the first time to have beencroped by Monaco. In Italy we first visited Geri and Gijs; nicely eaten, bubbling and cruising in the convertible. On the way to Tim, Nicole and BabyJack at lago maggiore the highest ridge so far (2km) defied, as well as the most violent splash. But it was worth it: five-star boutique hotel by the lake. Boating with hans&marijke, the Altas and T&N, food, drinks, improving the world etc.
Through verona, there the opera ‘a masked ball’ in the Arena packed, and treviso (very nice and not very touristy town) to Venice. Meanwhile the 3000km ticked, but unfortunately the km counter broke down shortly afterwards. At Venice there is a campsite and explored this special city on the water, just like the hundred million other tourists, but what a satisfied person… 😉
Now we have cheated for 1000km and taken the boat to Greece. Here will stay for a week on the small island of Paxos and then back by boat to apulie in southern Italy.
All in all a successful trip so far: nice weather, good food, nice people, lots of fans on the road and our critters keep it good (only once flat tire by a pushpin, very classy). The only lesser experiences are the wasp stings, two for Kakkie (resulting in a molten face) and eight for Maya.
Oh yes, Kakkie’s giving birth is growing well! The mustache well in model with mustache fat.
We’d love to hear how you’re doing and see you next!
Dear moped greeting,